Our Committee 2025

About the W.E.D.A Committee
Like all of the Camping and Caravanning Club’s D.A’s and Sections, West Essex D.A. is run by a voluntary group of members. Our committee is selected each year at our AGM, normally held between February and April.  There is always lots of preparation and organisation that goes into every rally.  If you would like to get involved in the club either as just a volunteer or are interested in becoming a committee member then please feel free to contact us for more information.

Sharon Sanford

Email: chairman@westessexda.co.uk

Treasurer* & Bookings Officer:      Tony Perry
Email: treasurer@westessexda.co.uk
Email: bookings@westessexda.co.uk

Webmaster, Rep to Region & Joint Youth Leader: Deb Spooner
Email: reptoreg@westessexda.co.uk
Email: youth@westessexda.co.uk

Equipment Officer:
Andy Sanford

Email: Equipment@westessexda.co.uk

PRO: Helen Pickford

Vice Chairman*:
Lee Spooner

Email: vicechairman@westessexda.co.uk

Secretary*: Dick Scott
Email: Secretary@westessexda.co.uk

Site Secretary: Lyn Perry
Email: sites@westessexda.co.uk


 Countryside Care Office &
Joint Youth Leader: Lee Spooner

Email: countryside@westessexda.co.uk
Email: youth@westessexda.co.uk

Regalia Officer: Chris Myhill
Email: regalia@westessexda.co.uk

General Committee: Dave Myhill

*Denotes a member of the Executive Committee